03 June 2013

Menu Plan Monday

This is actually more or less just a posting of the menu plan I made at the end of last week. I'm really trying to stick with doing our menu plan twice a month, when hubby's paycheck comes in...

MONDAY: And sometimes I just don't make it all the way through the day still committed to my menu. After Jack and I spent all day running errands and such, I called hubby and agreed to skip my kick-boxing class so he could work in the garage, if he'd bring home pizza for dinner so I could focus on some stuff I needed to get done. Win/win!

TUESDAY: Spaghetti Pie - I have plans to try modifying this a bit. It calls for cottage cheese, but I miss the taste of my mom's lasagna...I think she used ricotta cheese instead, so I'm going to try substituting that.

WEDNESDAY: Chicken Helper (the Whole Grain Honey Mustard one - yum!)

THURSDAY/FRIDAY/SATURDAY: No daddy? No cook-y! Hubby's doing a race, so the kids and I will make it by on ocean nibbles, frozen pizza, and maybe some tacos?

SUNDAY: (I know I don't usually post the WHOLE week, but I've got plans!) We're going to Mimi and Papa's house to celebrate my birthday!!

1 comment:

siteseer said...

yup, I usually used ricotta ;) I did lots of shopping today, but we keep our meals real simple and I love it that way