03 January 2019

2018 - Goals Recap

I feel like I've been down more than up lately, so this could be depressing! LOL But I read something the other day about turning negative self-talk into positive, and it was as simple as ending a statement like that with, "...and that's okay!" So I don't think I accomplished many of my goals for last year, and that's okay!

Here we have, my 2018 goal list, with up-to-date commentary:

  1. Establish educational savings accounts for both kids. Hahaha... got really close in 2017. This is the year! Or, you know, not. Again, I found something that wasn't quite right. It wanted at least $50 per deposit (better than the one I found in 2017...). I'll continue depositing 5% of what I make directly to their savings til I get this right..
  2. Bake regularly. Ha. I say this every year at the holidays, when I'm enjoying baking. 
  3. Yell less. I think my yelling is pretty consistent.
  4. Clean and organize Maggie's and Jack's rooms.  Their rooms are actually looking pretty decent right now.
  5. Do a counted cross-stitch project. I think I got maybe 10 rows done of a new project while on vacation in New York in August.
  6. Make more cards. Definitely not more.
  7. Redo master bathroom shower. Finally one done! Hubby did it, but...done!
  8. Wash my vehicle at least monthly. Meh. Maybe I thought of it monthly?
  9. Drink at least four glasses of water daily, on a regular basis. Hard pass here. In part because my blood pressure meds make me SO tired that I grab for caffeine constantly. Staying awake is a priority.
  10. Learn to french braid my hair and Maggie's. Not even close.
  11. Set up my Erin Condren notebook as a recipe book. I can honestly say... I forgot all about this.
  12. Complete at least 50 Yelp reviews. Well, I did get 31. More than halfway! Looks like a near-win in my life!
  13. Get new deck finished. Yes! Yes, yes, yes!!!
  14. Feed birds through the winter. And another one checked off! I've got very happy birds around here.
  15. Put hanging flower baskets at front porch for summer. Absolutely!
  16. Continue unpacking office boxes from the basement. Oops.
  17. Score for Pearson. Yes!
  18. Work elections. Yes!
  19. Blog regularly. Yes!
  20. Walk regularly when it's warm outside. Nope.
  21. Read more books. A big win! I tracked 20+ for 2017. My list shows 42 for 2018!
  22. See at least ten movies in the theater. Whoa - so close! I show reviews for nine movies on the big screen.
  23. Do the 52 week savings challenge for holiday shopping at the end of the year. Nope.
  24. Burn more candles. Nope.
  25. Update the kids' bedroom doors (currently still decorated from Valentine's Day, 2014, I think). I don't think I touched them. Better yet, I'm pretty sure Jack's door still has the hearts from V-Day 2014.
  26. Use up all the box mixes of foods and desserts that I have from several different direct sales businesses. I love going to the parties, but then forget why I bought stuff! Hahaha... I wish! I think I made progress, but certainly didn't finish.
  27. Re-organize office with a goal of more crafty stuff I enjoy. Not so far.
  28. Have lunch with a friend at least twice a month (weather-permitting, since I'm currently snowed in.  LOL). Nope. And work isn't helping since school started. I've worked through lunch for all school days since Labor Day.
  29. Minimize wardrobe to fit comfortably in drawers seasonally (with off-season in under-bed storage).  Not really.
  30. Keep working a job outside the home. Finally a win!
  31. Get some new tennis shoes. I don't think so.
  32. Get at least one more pair of work pants, so I can have two outfits. LOL Still haven't done this! Yay for extra jeans days lately...
  33. Do something fun with my hair (cut/color) at least once this year. Nope.
  34. Do a couples painting (at like Painting with a Twist or whatever) with hubs. Nope.
  35. Continue keeping fish - maintain my healthy aquarium. Grr.... lost them all a couple months back.
  36. Get new bath towels for the whole house. Nope.
  37. Attend Twirlmania in Florida with Maggie. Made it!! And she got to take the floor for awards and march in the front row of the Main Street parade!
  38. Relocate the toys (except maybe the board games?) out of the family room, and into the kids' rooms and the basement. Really? Huh. Didn't even remember this one. The board games are now back into the family room, and the toys are minimized, but not gone.
  39. Pick a mantra and make it prominent - in my office, on my phone, in my truck... Nope.
  40. Appreciate that my life is pretty wonderful with or without these goals accomplished. Sure.
  41. Believe in my ability to complete these goals. Meh. Ability, sure! Motivation? Notsomuch.
Well, well, well. Last year was 12 out of 50. This year was 13 out of 41! Apparently my expectations were correctly adjusted? Hahaha.... Watch for a new list of goals for 2019 coming soon :)


Liz Parker said...

Yay for the Yelp reviews! Looking forward to another year being Elite with you :).

Rachel said...

You had a lengthy list of goals. I think coming up with the list was an accomplishment in itself. Looking forward to seeing your 2019 goals.

Mom Among Chaos said...

Yay! Good job! Watch a few YouTube videos on french braiding. Also, keep your hand on their head the whole time for a tighter braid.

Ashley said...

I love the perspective to add "and that's okay," I'm so guilty of beating myself up about my goals instead of cheering for the accomplishments I did make. Giving ourselves grace is so important!

I've got a lead for goal #1 for you, if you haven't looked into it already. MI Saves claims a $25 minimum contribution or $15 if its part of a payroll deduction. Don't know if that meets your requirements or not, but I like that has an income tax deduction. I've been using it most of this year and so far I'm happy (even though with how the market is doing I'm down from what I deposited...) on second thought, maybe their regular savings accounts are better off after all!

GeekDad248 said...

I've actually never read or written a Yelp review. I've noticed some people talking about the perks they get for being involved on Yelp so maybe should look into that. Maybe that can be a New Years Resolution for 2019! Best wishes for a happy new year!