14 October 2013

Menu Plan Monday

Boy, a menu plan certainly does make my day-planning easier.

MONDAY (10/14): We still have a few more weeks of swimming followed-by Chinese carry-out. And now it's even more justified, as Jack has asked to have mommy in the pool with him each week. Mommy is less than thrilled. Just three weeks left, and I do it to see him having fun.

TUESDAY (10/15): Kielbasa and shells & cheese. Maggie's been feeling a little run down for nearly a week. Hopefully one of her favorites will help her eat-up and stay strong against the germies.

WEDNESDAY (10/16): I've been dying to use my new Dove Chocolate Discoveries Red Wine Cooking Sauce. I may do a bit more research in the next day and a half, but I'm thinking a good cut of beef from our freezer plus half a jar or so of the sauce in the crockpot all day on low....

THURSDAY (10/17): We haven't had any OMG Taco Bake in a while...

FRIDAY (10/18): City Chicken, with rice and a fresh veggie. Unless we end up going to the Zoo Boo at the Detroit Zoo this night??

SATURDAY (10/19): We're definitely looking for quick and easy, as we have the Spooktacular Stroll at a local nature center this evening. The kids always love spaghetti (meat sauce for Jack, more noodles for Maggie...).

SUNDAY (10/20): While I'm not a big fan of bone-in steaks, I think we have a few of those still in the freezer. Probably a good day to grill em up!

MONDAY (10/21): The end is in sight! Just one more Monday after this one that is scheduled for swimming and carry-out dinner.

TUESDAY (10/22): Tacos. Hopefully I can make the time to go pick up some Rio Wraps sauce.

WEDNESDAY (10/23): We really enjoyed the Popcorn Chicken Parmesan one of my Facebook friends suggested previously. Even the leftovers got eaten! Let's try that again.

THURSDAY (10/24): Busy night! Tonight is the Spooky Spectacular at Maggie's school, or she may opt to go with mommy to vendor bingo (we haven't won anything lately - I think it's our turn!). Dinner is leftovers or whatever you can find.

FRIDAY (10/25): Mommy's got chocolate work one way or another. Either I've got a tasting party scheduled, or if that doesn't pan out (remember, I'm writing this almost two weeks in advance), I've offered to step in at a fundraiser.

SATURDAY (10/26): This is the weekend before daddy leaves for another race. His availability will be pretty much non-existent for the next week or so. Maybe we can do make-your-own pizzas tonight? Maggie and I have fun with it, and Jack always loves pizza.

SUNDAY (10/27): We haven't had Enchilada Casserole in the crock pot since the first time I made it. And there's usually some extra, since there may be an extra person or two in our garage working on the race car.


Deanna said...

Love seeing your two week menu plan. I've been thinking lately I should trying a 2-week one for a while and see how it goes but I haven't attempted yet. Love Mexican dishes! Those are always a favorite around here.

siteseer said...

I've got to get on this train because I've just been flying by the seat of my pants. Tonight was breakfast for dinner... very good, but a result of not planning lol