20 June 2013

Plum Organics - Superhero Summer Camp!

Check it out! Plum Organics (a pioneer and global provider of premium, nutritious baby food, toddler and kid snack food products) is hitting the Road this summer with their Superhero Summer Camp Tour. 

The tour focuses on teaching kids and families across the country how to start or continue a path of eating healthy. They'll have interactive educational games from craft projects, to becoming a superhero in training, a Do Good Task and much more. At each stop, kids will get the opportunity to interact, learn and take home with them useful everyday tools they can do at home. 

The best part? On July 7th the tour will be stopping at the Detroit Zoo!

I can't wait!!

The Superhero Summer Camp Tour experience will include..
  • Tented areas with interactive games!
  • Giveaways for babies, tots, kids, and families!
  • Camp Counselors!
  • A 3oz sample of Organic Kids Mashup as you leave the zoo! 
Maggie has been asking to go to the zoo since the snow melted - I think this will be a perfect opportunity to enjoy the zoo and more!

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