11 February 2013

Menu Plan Monday

So maybe I do sort of cheat when I don't put up the week's menu plan til after dinner Monday. You'll get over it.

Monday: Pork Roast in the crock pot (see, so I've more or less known all day what was for dinner anyway)

Tuesday: It's a Dine to Donate day for Blessings in a Backpack at one of our favorite local restaurants. Since Jack's restaurant behavior has been a little iffy lately, maybe we'll just get carry-out. Love G's pizza!

Wednesday: Probably something simple - Shells and Cheese with Kielbasa? And maybe some peas.

Thursday: Mimi and Papa are staying for dinner after they watch Jack for part of the day. Maggie says they'd like spaghetti. The jury's still out, but that's the best suggestion I have so far.

Friday: Maggie's also been asking for city chicken lately, so this may be the day...

Want much better ideas than mine? Check out Menu Plan Monday over at I'm an Organizing Junkie.

1 comment:

siteseer said...

spaghetti sounds good to me. Maggie is a good picker :)