12 November 2012

Menu Plan Monday

MONDAY: Tortellini with pink sauce, garlic bread, and brussels sprouts

TUESDAY: Meh. I'm a little cranky about Tuesday because I was supposed to have a dinner out. Nice and simple will have to do - meatballs with gravy, mashed potatoes, and corn

WEDNESDAY: Whole Wheat Honey Mustard Chicken Helper

THURSDAY: Waiting to hear from hubby on this one... We have parent/teacher conferences later that night. If he arranges a sitter, we'll probably go out for dinner before or after. If he doesn't arrange a sitter, I'll have the neighbor come over for the half hour or so it will take. If dinner is here, it'll probably be something like carry-out pizza. Which sounds pretty yummy right about now.

FRIDAY: I'm excited to be representing Dove Chocolate Discoveries at a local event. Unfortunately, events scheduled from 6 - 9 PM tend to preclude dinner. So I'll eat earlier, and daddy-o will feed the kids while I work.

Please don't forget to enter my EdenFantasys gift card giveaway and my Melissa & Doug kids' toy giveaway!

Have a great week :)

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