Scheduling and planning for a sitter definitely has a greater likelihood of actually resulting in some magical time together. If you can actually arrange for someone to stay overnight so you and your honey can have a fun night out and some intimate time with just each other, all the better! It's fun to be local tourists sometimes, pretending you don't know where you are and staying at a hotel a mile from home ;)
I would love to plan a whole night or weekend with hubby for something like this. I think the best way to issue the invite (after arranging the surprise sitter, of course) would be to leave something like an erotic book or cd somewhere he'll find it when he's alone, and tucking the invite inside. Once he's reserved the date, what will actually happen can still remain a surprise. If it's been a while since you've had any grown-up time, dinner out and adult conversation may be all it takes to make it an exceptional evening.
If you feel like going the extra mile, consider getting a cheesy adult board game to lend to the suspense and anticipation that evening. Want to make the whole evening about your game? Tell your partner what to wear beforehand and turn it into full-on role play. Planning on carrying out the overnight portion locally? You could totally set up the room before the date even starts. The possibilities are endless!

Is your imagination running away yet? Don't worry, EdenFantasys is ready to help someone's big plans materialize. They've offered a $25 gift card for one of my lucky readers!
CONTEST DETAILS: To enter, just post here saying what your favorite quality is in your partner (or what's most important, if you're still looking for Mr/Ms Right!). Keep it clean - we're a family blog ;)
The winner will be drawn on Wednesday, November 21 at 9am ET.
My favorite quality in my hubby is his sappy heart. He cries at movies more than I do but I think it is sweet how he reacts so much.
For me, the most important quality would be trust!
My husband is a great dad. It's so sweet watching him with the kids!
My favorite quality is a man who knows how to use the vacuum cleaner. ;)
There are so many.... I loved that he always took interest in the kids when he came home from work. Now the thing I like the most is that he goes out and prestarts my car, even to the point of putting the key in the ignition so he can turn the seat heater on :)
My favorite quality in my husband is that he cooks, but also - he knows when I need a break. He steps right up to wrangle the kids or the dogs or whatever's driving me insane at that moment and suggests that I take a break. Oh... and he always keeps a stash of chocolate hidden for me. :)
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