28 August 2012

Random Tuesday Thoughts


Woo-hoo!! I have officially consistently blogged for one week straight (at least once a day...never mind the ten years or so previously...).

My office is looking So. Much. Better. And the trash is full again. There's the biggest secret to organizing this hole: Be brave and throw it all away! I've held on to door-prize drawing slips and order forms from years ago (since I've been doing this business for four years now), and all the information is already in the computer! I've admittedly double checked to see the info there (and a few times had to add it in), but I'm throwing away the paperwork - yay!!

Ugh. I actually stopped cleaning for a minute because I remembered some blog giveaways I read about on Facebook that I wanted to enter. Just because. I've decided that I may not be a big fan of rafflecopter. I sort of feel like I've been scrolling and clicking all day, and I only entered like two giveaways so far. I miss the old days where entry was just via comment, and then the blog owner used random.org or whatever to pick a winner. Am I behind the times?

Okay. After the first two randoms, I got distracted and cleaned up physical stuff in my office again (yay?). After the next one, I lost myself on twelve other websites. Now I'm back, to let you know, I'm wrapping it up for today's post :)

Almost...here's one more random that I kind of like. Here's what I looked like one year ago - a month and a couple days before Jack made his appearance in the outside world...

1 comment:

siteseer said...

doesn't it feel good to clean stuff out? I'm proud of you.