Something I've failed to mention lately (although you know if you've been reading for more than a few years) is that Dove Chocolate Discoveries is not my first direct sales venture. From roughly 1997 until 2007 or so (with a couple years off in the middle), I was an independent consultant with PartyLite Gifts. Yeah, go figure!
People ask why I 'switched,' but that isn't really how I did it. I honestly got away form PartyLite because I said I was done with direct sales. Ha! Famous last words, right? I got married in 2006, and had back surgery, and was tired of carrying stuff, being shy around strangers (really!), and surprisingly, getting headaches from some of the stronger scents that I carried anyway to share with people! Direct sales really is a business where you can be very successful if you're willing to work for it. I was tired of working and happy to just bring home my paycheck from my (then) full-time job.
I can still tell you the first day I heard of Dove. I was reading a friend's blog on my birthday in June, 2007 and saw a comment from someone saying she was a chocolatier and did in-home chocolate tastings. I was intrigued, but busy with my newborn and not sure I really wanted to get back into direct sales. I let it simmer in my brain for a bit, and actually signed up in August on the night before my own scheduled chocolate tasting. I had never seen a show or met the woman who was now my 'sponsor' in this new adventure.
Now? I can't imagine my life without the sense of self that my own business brings me. I get recognition (besides stickers stuck to my back ;)), new friends, lots of people happy to work with me, and time with adults. I think most of these are rewards that are applicable to any direct selling business!
My point is this - I'd love to talk about your business too! Let me know if you're a direct seller with a blog, and if you'd like to swap posts to promote each other's products, or if you'd like to swap orders to try some fabulous chocolates and share what you're offering!
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