15 July 2011


I can't believe I'm still awake! When Maggie and I got up this morning, I knew it would be a busy day, but even more stuff got added to the schedule - and accomplished!

We woke up at the crack of 9AM (don't hate!) which ended up being the perfect time for Maggie to say hi to Grandpa as he stopped by to get some parts he needed to go work on the boat trailer. After fixing us some breakfast, I decided to check my email and of course got sucked into other stuff. We still made it out the door by a little before noon, which was my goal.

Unfortunately, we found out that hubby's debit card had been 'compromised' and someone was living it up in CA at our expense - yikes! I made a few extra minutes to call and make sure he knew nothing about it, and to have him call and cancel the card ASAP!

Once I dropped Maggie off at a friend's house, I headed to my annual cardiology appointment. I could almost forget I had heart surgery last year, but no one else seems to trust how healthy I am without documentation from my cardiologist. Without this visit, I couldn't get Wholesale Insurance or be approved for the drug-free birth I'm planning with the baby in a couple months. The doctor once again gave me a glowing review and told me I can now wait 18 months before my next visit. Woo-hoo!!

From there, I had to go coax Maggie back out of our friend's house so we could try and sign a fraud affidavit at the credit union regarding the charges on hubby's account, and then get home in time for my brother to pick Maggie up. She stayed at his house while I went and did a chocolate tasting party nearby.

We finally got home around 11PM, which was just enough time to enter the orders from the chocolate tasting party in time to be included in next week's paycheck. Yay!

And now? This preggo lady has got to get to sleep for another action-packed fun day tomorrow!

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