19 May 2011

Pregnancy Woes (of which I have few)

I remember hearing that having a baby girl will 'steal' your beauty, but I don't remember having this same issue when I was pregnant with Maggie. My skin looks awful! I finally got some redness cover-up stuff that seems to be helping a bit, but until I put it on each day, I can't stand to see myself in a mirror.

I've heard some people talk about acne remedies, but mine never really gets to full-fledged acne. It's red and looks a little bumpy, but no real individual blemishes. For now, I'm just grateful for my green skin cream/base I put on after my moisturizer each day, and I really hope it goes away after I give birth :)


The Adventures of Grunty and Chubbs said...

Are you having another girl!? (I've been slow to read posts so may have missed an announcement!)

Fighting Mama said...

I totally had red rashy areas on my face while pregnant with both of my boys. Eucerin makes a soothing lotion that i used at night then a tinted moisturizer during the day.

Fighting Mama said...

I totally had that with both boys. Eucerin makes a soothing lotion i used at night and a tinted moisturizer during the day.