19 May 2011

Zombie Awareness Month

Yes, I know I hinted at it in my zombie quiz post, but I did a bit more looking around and found through the Zombie Research Society page that May is actually Zombie Awareness Month. First I have to share this wonderful haiku by Zombierama that I first discovered through the site:

Zombie Haiku

just a little bite

my single-minded purpose

brains, brains, brains, brains, brains

A few interesting things when poking around their site to learn more about Zombie Awareness Month:
  • A membership to the ZRS (Zombie Research Society) includes a t-shirt, but they don't have maternity sizes :(
  • The store for merchandise is no longer shipping until after June 1, since the rest of the department is on vacation (really? On vacation during such a pivotal marketing month??)
  • They also have their own blog, which I have every intention of reading more from soon.

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