I wish I knew how it was I slept wrong that some days my back is so awful when I first wake up! This morning I just threw a pack of fruit snacks at Maggie as her first 'course' of breakfast. I can't stand long enough to do much else, or reach anything because of my current inability to bend. Ouch! Now I'm just sitting on my yoga ball hoping these silly discs and vertebrae go back where they should be so I can get on with my day....
when mine goes out (not often thank God) it's usually something real simple as sleeping wrong or just getting up.... no strain or stress.... just a wrong move. Sorry for your pain :(
My back went out a few weeks ago. I went to the ER and they gave me a bunch of medications, etc. Thank goodness when the chiropractor opened he got me right in and fixed the problem so I could move again. I went back every single day that week. Pain in your back has to be terrible because everything you do probably makes it hurt.
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