Today I was reminded of the Sunday Stealing meme over at My Life as Mama Jodi. Today's specific meme was stolen from Minnestota Mom. One of the first Sunday Stealing memes was from her back on September 7, 2008. Minnesota Mom actually wrote this meme!
Instructions: Answer the Current Obsession category and then explain WHY you chose that response. Easy enough? Thanks as always for playing! (I've got to admit, a lot of these aren't really 'obsessions' for me, but it's late and I want to get this done, so some of them are more or less what comes to mind. Yeah. So much for following directions!)
The Current Obsessions Meme
Book: Several by Kristin Hannah. I hadn't heard of her before, but got a few from - yay!
Snack: Popcorn – I think it's more Maggie's addition than mine...
Restaurant: Applebees. Two for $20!
Beverage: Cherry Coke - always and forever!
Decor: Anything not holiday right about now ;)
Actor: No real obsession..
Actress: See above...
Movie: Changes from day to day, but we see a lot of Snow White around here lately (my movie, but guess whose choice it is to watch it again, and again, and again)
TV show: Phineas and Ferb. Especially with popcorn. The short person here seems to think they just go together.
Hobby: Reading. It's easy enough to sneak in a few pages here and there.
Band: Death Cab for Cutie last week...and now it's popped back in my head again.
Song: I Will Follow You Into the Dark (by Death Cab for Cutie)
Meme: No favorites… they're just usually nice for changing up the writing pace.
Blog: Lots!
Lover: My hubby, definitely.
Friend: No real 'obsession' here. Wouldn't that be kind of creepy?
Quote: "You've got two options - get over it or die pissed." Applies to almost anything.
Peeve: Luckily I don't obsess over them, or I might go crazy.
Sport: Absolutely none.
Singer: Maggie! She does a great rendition of Old MacDonald lately. :)
Very interesting. I'm sure Maggie sounds great singing Old McDonald!
I'm seeing a pattern here - you are definitely in love with that little one :)
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