Wow! I was surfing around to different blogs just now and found something I LOVED that I'm not entirely too late for! It's 52 to Fabulous! 52 weeks to fabulous-ness! There's a general theme for each month - making a different aspect of your life more fabulous than it was before. Sign me up!
The first weekly assignment was to recognize what you want. A nice big, three item list of some overall goals for the year (and I won't call them resolutions because, heck, it's practically the end of January, right?).
1. Consistently improve my business follow-up. What I'm holding in the back of my mind for #2 will certainly help this, but I'd like to be more consistent in doing what I should for my chocolate business. I'm doing okay so far, but I know I have plenty of room for improvement. Without spelling out all the little steps to this, just know I want to consistently stay in contact with my team members, hostesses and guests to facilitate more growth and satisfaction in my business.
2. Re-organize my office. Yeah. I know I've said this more than once, and I really hope hubby doesn't read this and think it's okay to yell at me for it again, but a more organized office would help me with, well, everything. As bad as it looks, I can still usually put my hands on the paperwork I need, but a new organizational system here would make it easier to keep track of my follow-up attempts and make them more uniform to everyone I try to stay in contact with going forward.
3. Do something regularly for myself. Okay, so that's really too vague for here, but I think it's what I'm trying to say for now. See, I almost said improve my fitness level, since I'd kind of like to exercise more. Then I almost made it getting caught up with my scrapbooks, but that's not really what I wanted entirely either (although I do want that too!). What I really want is to hold on to some sense of identity that is me. I'm feeling lost, somewhat, as a wife and a mother, but no longer a woman or as much of a friend or the other roles I've fulfilled in the past. I'm afraid of losing me, and I want to do something to stake claim to that on a regular basis. I hope that doesn't sound selfish.
Wow. So there's my top three - What a Girl Wants. I realize I'm going to have to hustle to make up my other two lost weeks, so I'll probably have more about this up on Saturday night. Be sure to check in and hold me accountable (everyone but hubby, please, on #2 ;) ).
I think you're doing an awesome job with your business... and the office, gotta say if everything had a place it would be a lot easier. Can you bump out that front wall? Or maybe go up? And #3 -- For me I don't want another thing to check off a list as in to do... Give me a couple of hours with no responsibilities. If you need a babysitter count me in.
Congrats are joining in. It's never too late! Can't wait to read all your updates.
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