As I tried to redeem yet another 'free photobook' I heard about online (third one this month that has given me nothing but an hour of wasted time and watching their site crash, but that's another rant entirely...), I perused my old pictures of Maggie. I realized as I looked at February 2008 that there were no pictures of our Bahamas trip. Sure enough, the Bahamas trip was its own folder, which I very much enjoyed looking through again. The sun, the sand, the surf, the great friends and relaxing times - and of course the warm weather as I shiver in my office. Maybe I'll go check out medical travel Mexico. Why medical? A nice vacation would be very, very good for my mental health right about now!
I too am trying to get one of those free photo books. Darn things. Especially frustrating when we have such a slow internet connection and in the end . . . nothing.
Look how little Maggie is. Great family picture.
Cute photo!
thanks for taking me to a warm place
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