Well, completely out of left field, here are Thirteen Things that Maggie (usually) likes to eat.
- Cheerios
- Oreos
- Tacos (huh, I'll take foods that end in 'O' for $500, Alex)
- Fruit snacks
- Cheese
- Noodles
- Toast with peanut butter
- Oatmeal
- Sausage
- Nilla wafers
- Ritz crackers
- Chips
- Banana

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Hello, I've been having no. 6 and no. 7 almost all week, and I so miss no. 8 :) I'm a TT first-timer. Happy Thursday.
Crackers, yes...cheese yes! Together the best!!!!!
My 13 is posted. Either use the link provided at the top of my Thursday blog or scroll down to the bottom of the entry. It’s English for Dummies!…..fun. Have a great day.
Great list!
Hope Maggie liked it too:)
Hey now - those are all nutritious. I mean... they have nutrition and stuff in them, right? If I remember right ANYTHING you can get your toddler to eat is a triumph.
My daughter loves all those to except the sausage.
Cool list. Happy TT!
she's a growing girl. needs lots, often. good list
Great list - I like everything on it but cheese and oatmeal. Happy Thursday!
Thursday 13 - edition 7
101 Things About Me
Oh, I like all these things too, but I'd have toast with honey or almond butter.
Yummy! I like to eat all the things Maggie likes to eat.
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