The other thing on my to-do list this week. My hubby made a very polite request for me to clear off my desk (which is perpetually a DISASTER). One of his co-workers is really good with computer-y, network-y stuff or something, so he's going to improve our network dealio or something. Obviously I know exactly what they're up to. At least I know I'll have my desk clean for a couple minutes!
when they are done will you be able to access your stuff? just checking - I still can't watch tv at your house lol
My desk is always a mess. I just can't keep it clean.
Look it's me on your Entrecard! Thanks.
My desks at home and at work are always a mess. I've told my husband time and again not to touch my work space, but he usually gets fed up and cleans it anyway.
My desk has everything pushed WAY to the back so the kiddo doesn't grab it. So it's kind of clean. I guess.
Oh! And I tagged you. Fess up.
I"m so glad they didn't ask me to clean mine! Whew! Disaster!
Go Graham Go!
My desk is a mess too and will probably stay that way for a long time. We've got something on our blog for you.
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