09 July 2008

Hold on!

Here comes my crazy day!

1. Go to music class with baby (yay!)
2. Go to fabric store for quilt square fabric.
3. Go to Target (warning bells) for just baby hair clips. I swear. That's all I'll get.
4. If it's raining, run by Ron's house to see if his books were delivered.
5. Come home. Work on laundry.
6. Work on packing.
7. Work on job.
8. Bathe baby.
9. Call cleaning company to reschedule to end of next week, instead of hours after we've arrived on our red-eye flight Monday morning...
10. Make dinner.
11. Finish laundry.
12. Finish packing.
13. If still conscious, keep trying to work more hours on job.
14. Collapse into bed for a few hours sleep before flying out tomorrow...



Amy Anderson said...

Dude, that's one helluva busy day!

Tammy said...

I hope you got everything done.