22 December 2024

Sunday Post/Sunday Salon - December 22: Merry Merry, Happy Happy

I'm enjoying a tiny bit of holiday time with family today. Unfortunately, my work schedule gives me Christmas Eve & Christmas Day and then New Years Day off (from an office Monday - Friday schedule). Oh, but I worked yesterday to try and get stuff a lil manageable for due dates with only three working days next week. Ugh. Luckily I don't hate what I do. I think tomorrow will literally be the worst - we'll have a Monday of intakes after two days off, and a Friday of sends since we need to send stuff due Dec 23, Dec 24, and Dec 25. Oh well.

I'm taking a break from the chaos to join in for Sunday Post with the Caffeinated Reviewer, and Sunday Salon with Readerbuzz

What I'm reading this week:

I'm really enjoying December Dread and This Book Won't Burn. Also a great mix for me - a cozy killer mystery as I go to sleep, and a rage-inducing social justice story the rest of the time. Life is good.

Three Good Things:

  1. My kids are awesome. There is no way I'll get all the things I want to done in time for their Christmas, but they'll be fine. They're actually my biggest helps, too.
  2. Two days off this week - obvs!
  3. Plans this weekend. Hubs and I are going out with another couple on Friday, and then Saturday is his high school band reunion. Should be fun!
Three Goals for this week/month/whatever:
  1. I'm really hoping to get the wrapping done during the day on Christmas Eve instead of late into the evening. 
  2. Still to come today, I'll get some cookies baked after our family trip to the mall. I give the kids money to get presents for hubs and I, and then hubs and I just hang out in a bar or the food court and let them loose to shop. I'm also planning to do several loads of laundry so we're good for the week. Then, cookies. But not staying up too late since I have work in the morning.
  3. I want to finish the two books I'm reading this week so I can start new ones. I won't make my Goodreads goal for the year, but I'm fine with that. Just want to finish these two and maybe one more before New Years :)


Harvee said...

You sound happily busy. Enjoy your days off and outings! Merry Christmas!

Cindy said...

Awesome kids are the best kids ;) I have two pretty great young adults as well. I am looking forward to two days off this week, and then all of next week off! Have a very Merry Christmas!

thathappyreader said...

Good luck on reaching your goals! Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

Good luck with your goals this week! It can be such a busy time.

It's wonderful to have awesome kids. Consider yourself blessed!

Olivia Beck said...

Both of your current reads sound good! Looks like it will be a good week for you, if a bit challenging at work. Happy Holidays!

shelleyrae @ book'd out said...

I hope work is less frantic than you expect.
Have a very merry Christmas! 🎄

shelleyrae @ book'd out said...

I hope work is less frantic than you expect
Wishing you and yours a very merry Christmas

Joy Weese Moll said...

That's a busy week, but great that your kids are cool with it all and helpful. Mery Christmas to you and your family!

Nicky said...

Oof, that Christmas schedule sucks! Hope you manage to have a good Christmas all the same!

Mae Travels said...

Have a great Christmas!