30 June 2024

Sunday Salon/Sunday Post - June 30, 2024 Is this all there is, to being 52? edition

Hello, hello! If you saw my last (but not recent) Sunday Salon/Sunday Post, I was working another election after a long sabbatical. And one was enough. I don't agree politically with a lot of my community, so elections are depressing AF. I'll keep working too many hours at the job where I actually do enjoy what I do.

I'm checking in with Caffeinated Reviewer and Readerbuzz again. I'm not gonna lie and try to say I'll be a regular (already have things planned for next Sunday instead of quiet time at my computer), but I'm here for today.

But I did turn 52 in June! While age is just a number, and as GenX I still see myself as 30 (I've read that's common-ish?), I'm tired of being the oldest one in many of my 'crowds.' Also, I'm tired after 8pm, but I blame that in part on my early morning hours. I'm just tired. But it isn't lack of sleep, it's life's ability to suck my soul dry. What would Dory do? Just keep swimming, I guess.

What I'm reading this week:

I just started Only the Beautiful by Susan Meissner a few days ago, and I'm really enjoying it. It's 1930-something, with an unwed mother who can see shapes and colors aligned with sound. Not sure quite where it's going yet, but Susan Meissner has certainly never disappointed me before.

My print book right now is Holliday by Matthew Di Paoli. I adore a great historical fiction, and this fits the bill. Even more fun, the author offers a musical suggestion list for a song to go with each chapter, and his musical tastes are varied and intriguing! I wish I had time to sit away from it all and follow along to pair the book and music, but I've only been able to read a few chapters with their tune selection so far.

Three Good Things:

  1. We got to pick our son up from his first sleep-away band camp yesterday, and he had a great time! The camp was at a 'real' camp, and the band was just an extra, so when they weren't working on their music three hours each day, they also got to zip-line, go fishing, play volleyball, have evening performances, do a talent show, and so much more. He can't wait to go again next year.
  2. Hubs is LOVING his new job! All racecar, all the time. Next weekend (after the 4th) is the big premier of most of what he works with, so fingers crossed he keeps loving it.
  3. Just one more? Our daughter is THRILLED to head to NYC soon for a film acting camp, and I'm excited they announced another adult battle of the books! (Sorry, I couldn't leave either one out this morning).


Cindy said...

I own a Susan Meissner-The Nature of Fragile Things and will eventually read it. Have a great week!

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

Happy birthday! The fifties were one of my favorite decades. I definitely noticed a drop in energy though.

Your family has had lots of good things this week. Excellent.

We are always delighted to have you join us any time you can.

Joy Weese Moll said...

I've found more satisfaction in activism and advocacy that isn't election related. I could be tempted in this election year, but your experience tells me that I probably wouldn't like it.

Northwoman said...

Well you all are having some fun summer activities. I've been volunteering for calls and events for the Democrats this year. I hope this week won't be quite as hot and you have a happy 4th.

Anne - Books of My Heart

Emma at Words And Peace / France Book Tours said...

Happy birthday!
I'm also in my 50s

Nicky said...

Belated happy birthday! And hope you're having a nice relaxing weekend this week! :)