So now I'm back, to let you know (did you sing that?).

1. Weekly Recap
Scheduling very little makes it both easy and hard to recap - at the same time.
- Our house was bustling, as hubs got ready to go to the racetrack with his racecar this weekend (he comes home later today).
- My Tuesday was originally a long-awaited visit with one of my best friends and her baby, who I haven't seen since JANUARY. But then I was selected for an online focus group exactly when our visit was scheduled, and that paid $75. So we canceled our visit so I could do the job. Now she's coming over next Tuesday, and then the focus group canceled that morning. Since it was less than 24 hour notice for the cancellation, the client still pays us - yay!
- Wednesday was the first in-person meetup of my book club (formerly our Battle of the Books team). Only three out of the four of us were able to make it, but it was wonderful. We sat six feet apart on the dock of one of our team members and visited for FOUR HOURS!
- Friday I got my hair cut, and then my daughter had a visit at a friends house for a few hours around lunch.
- Now I'm reading, reading, reading, and working on cleaning out my huge corner desk in my office so hubs can repurpose it as his new desk in the basement. I'll get something much smaller for a cozy workspace now that I don't have a direct-sales business for the first time in decades.
2. To-do List for This Week
- Finishing emptying my desk, preferably to the closet so there's room to move the desk out of the office. I still have my doubts that it will actually fit out the door again. Hubs had to put part of it back together after we got it in there. It doesn't move well.
- The rescheduled visit from last week!
- The cleaning people will come on Wednesday, so I need to take the kids somewhere else. They won't clean if we're here. I also need to call them the day before to find out a window of time when they'll arrive. Without trying to get better info from them, we'd need to be gone from 8am til they're done (yeah, without knowing when they arrive, I can't know when they've left, right?).
- I have a book review due for another blog today, then one due on my blog to publish Wednesday. I also got Rodham from the library and want to read that (I also want to watch the documentary on Hillary for the 'real' story. I think it's on Netflix).
3. Menu Plan
I'm really awful at these. See, if hubs has a day unpacking the race trailer, I won't bother cooking dinner that night. I do need to make a better plan and go get some groceries, but we have a steak dinner and a chicken dinner ready to make from Home Chef this week. And I think I have stuff for crockpot chicken & dumplings.
4. Something I'd Like to Share
Just some bookish reminders -
If you're an Amazon Prime member, don't forget to get your free First Reads book for June by Tuesday. Wednesday is July already!
If you like to read, you should totes be on Goodreads, and don't forget to enter the Goodreads Giveaways you're interested in. Someone's got to win - why not you?
5. Photo of the Week
Photos are actually on the list of something I'd like to improve. My mom has some service that I can send her pictures of the grandkids each month and they'll print the ones she likes, but I hardly ever take pictures. I promised to do better in July. That will help out here too. ;)
His shirt says '1st Grade Rocks,' but it just happens to be one of his favorite shirts. He's actually on his way into 3rd grade in the fall.
6. Closing Notes
So much of my brain buzzes with the craziness that is our world now. I'm in Michigan, and our COVID-19 cases are on the rise again. One stupid bar is linked to 76 new cases. People are making bad choices, and it's upsetting. Even with the official 'lockdown' over, I keep repeating that we're safer at home.
If everyone respected everyone else, maybe I'd be more comfortable going out more, but so many people are spouting off that 'no guvnor can tell ME what to do.' I don't respect other people because someone in authority tells me to. I don't know right from wrong because of bible stories. My conscience is smart about this stuff, and I do what's right because that's how my heart insists I behave.
Hi Beki, It sounds like you had a very busy week. I hope your hubby had a great time at the race. I need to look into ordering from Home Chef, I absolutely hate going to the grocery store right now. Thanks for the reminder for First Reads, maybe that will get me back into reading. I read 20 books early this year and then lost all hope of concentration once Covid came along. Your son is adorable. I sure hope there will be school to go back to in the fall. Thanks so much for playing along! Have a great week :)
WOW what a busy week! That is an adorable picture of your little guy! You truly hit the nail on the head about people making poor choices right now! I did my First read selection already. I have been doing much more reading with all the time at home. Have a GREAT week and I'm glad you're playing along with Sunday 6. :)
You've been busy this past week. Our COVID-19 cases are on the rise too and for the same reason - people making bad choices. Sometimes it feels like it will never end.
I hope you have a great week.
Focus group sounds great. My son is in a study at the university and we get paid periodically for questionaires and so forth and that's pretty great. I take my money where I can get it as
I’m glad you got to spend time with friends and did it safely. It is frustrating to watch people be stupid about the virus. Have a good week!
Aj @ Read All The Things!
How nice the book club got together with social distancing. I know, it's mind boggling how some people are making horrible choices with no regard for the safety of others.
Thanks for the First Reads reminder and that is cute about the 1st Grade Rocks t-shirt.
Enjoy your week and stay well.
I love to-do lists too and they work well for me. I have tried to have menu plans but half the time they don't work out. Yeah, people want the coronavirus to disappear by pretending it's not around. Unfortunately, it still is. Stay safe!
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