- I finally got my hair cut! The woman who does my hair said she doesn't remember ever seeing it as long as when I got there this morning. LOL See, I need to have a hairnet and/or my hair completely gone when I work in the kitchen, so I usually go get it cut again once school gets out. And this time I even made an appointment to get it trimmed again next month!
- We accidentally got a box from Home Chef yesterday. My credit card was reported lost or stolen, but I guess it just charged to the new one? Whatever. But I didn't get to pick the meals, so we have a steak, a chicken and a shrimp. Hubs will never want the shrimp, so I'll try and make that one before he gets home.
- Hubs is at his first car race this summer! I think there would have originally been one in April that was canceled. This one is at his 'home' track (about four hours away towing the trailer), and has no spectators allowed. That being said, there are still at least four drivers with each car. They're supposed to be social distancing, etc, etc. Fingers crossed everyone stays healthy!
- It's looked like rain for half the day today, but hasn't actually stormed yet. Luckily I watered the flowers anyway. Looked like I missed the ones on the back deck yesterday, but they're perky again now. Sorry guys!
- Still dealing with Paypal drama from the computer virus a few weeks ago. HP charged my Paypal account for the fraduently purchased computer, but then refunded instead of shipping. And then I did NOTHING, but they transferred the refund to my bank account. At the same time as I unlinked all accounts from my Paypal. So now my Paypal account is substantially negative, but they won't let me link anything to it - so I can't give them their money back. LOL Customer service via Paypal is closed because of COVID-19. I think my next step is to call my credit union and see if they can reverse that transaction from my account. Wish me luck!

Hope all is well and you and yours are staying safe and healthy :)
Ahhh I like the haircut! That's definitely happened to me before with the meal services... I forgot to skip a week and then I got some random meals that I didn't want :-( this actually happened a couple of weeks ago but a friend bought the box from me which was nice of her.
Nice haircut. It feels great to get one -- I had my first cut since February just a week ago too. The race car looks spiffy .... hope the race goes well. Enjoy the weekend.
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