September 1972Thirty-five years ago, Havens would have opened his eyes and thought of the day ahead as lacking. The surprise of old age is how comfortable a person can be with an empty day, how companionable it can be. If anything, Havens wants the day to empty itself even more, allow for memories to pay a visit, and should he decide to spend his time doing nothing more than sitting in his recliner and missing her, what's to stop him?

Now, for which book this is from - it's a book that was just published a couple weeks ago: The Last Blue by Isla Morley. I was super-excited to start this one when I read the summary last night. In part: "...What they see will haunt Clay into his old age -- Jubilee Buford, a woman whose skin is a shocking and unmistakable shade of blue." I recognized the...concept? as being a big deal in a book I'd seen mentioned by a few book bloggers - The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek. Sure enough, both books seem to be about the same population - the blue people! I'm still waiting on The Book Woman from the library, but I'm now even more excited to start reading The Last Blue (which I received from the publisher in exchange for my unbiased review).
Next up, I'd like to share with you a bit of page 56 from The Last Blue, for #Friday56, hosted by Freda's Voice.
Levi hands Jubilee a small wooden box. Something shuffles inside.
Through the slats, she sees two wide eyes and a beak about the size of a pinky fingernail -- a baby owl. "Hi, little guy!"
"I guess flying lessons didn't go too well." Levi is always going on about what a waste of time it is interfering with nature instead of letting it take its course, but half of her patients come from him. This is one is meant as a peace offering.
And for today's Book Blogger Hop hosted by Ramblings for a Coffee Addicted Writer, we're asked: "If you own an eBook, would you also purchase a print copy as well?"
Hmm....While I was stubborn about switching to my kindle for reading, now most of my books are Netgalley reviews or library loans (which are all online while the library is closed). I can read in bed or with less-optimal light on my kindle. But it's hard for me to page back through on a kindle to get an excerpt for a review, or just to find something I thought happened to review while I'm reading..
Since reading on my kindle is usually easier (the actual reading, not reviewing or finding excerpts and such), I'm more likely to buy a book I really like as an eBook if I originally read it as a paperback or hard-cover. Make sense?
That being said, I may buy a print copy of a book I really liked on my kindle in order to share it with friends.
So I'm a solid maybe, either way. Hahaha...
It always fascinates me how two books can come out at about the same time about something that hadn't been written about much before.
The Book Woman looks really good. Not as sure about The Last Blue because it is written in present tense. If handled well, present tense makes action so compelling. On the other hand, sometimes the tenses get bungled, which throws me out of the story.
Hope you enjoy them.
I've been known to buy print books if I really like the audiobook I checked out from the library. Is that the same? My Friday Quotes
Ha... We talked about The Last Blue today but Isla Morley actually just followed me on Instagram I believe. Or maybe Twitter, I forget.
Yep, made sense for the BBH ;) and I do agree. Thanks for stopping by ;) Have a nice weekend ;)
I also read a lot of ebooks, but I make sure to buy physical copies of the few special ones that I really really liked!
Konna @ The Reading Armchair
I only read ebooks, but if I love a book I got for review then I'll definitely by my own personal ebook copy of it. :)
Sounds like a great read! I love the beauty in that moment in the 56. Happy weekend, stay safe!
Lol! Like you, I'm a complete ebook convert. The short answer for me is generally no. However, if I've read an ebook by a favourite author that I'd like to get signed one day then yes! 💜😊
I hope you enjoy the rest of your week, Becki, stay safe and healthy.
Here's my BBH Post
Flora x
The Last Blue sounds good. I hope you are enjoying it! I hope you have a great week!
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