23 March 2020

Ninth House - Book Review

Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo
Publication date: October 28, 2019
Pages: 459 pages
Genre: Fantasy, Contemporary, Magical realism
Rating: 5/5 stars ✰✰✰✰✰
Strengths: Magical realism, intricate plot and background, interesting characters
Weaknesses: Lots of detail, ending without closure

I really loved this book. Magical realism is my jam, and the way this intricate story is presented feels like it could be real life disguised as fiction, right? I've never been to New Haven or Yale, but I sort of want to visit now.

While I don't feel that the main character, Galaxy (nickname Alex) is supposed to be exactly likable, I liked her anyway. She fought her way through a life of struggle, and dealing with her unique 'gift,' and still wanted to do right, especially for those wronged by others.

The ending was the biggest problem with this book, because I NEED to know what happens next. We were definitely left with a bit of ambiguity and loose ends. I think I know what direction some of it is moving toward, but while a sequel has been confirmed by the author, no expected date has been given yet.

I would definitely recommend this book for those who appreciate paranormal fiction. I gave this 5 out of 5 stars and will probably read it again.


sjhigbee said...

What a great review - though I am a bit wary if the ending is leaving too many plotpoints unresolved and a second book isn't forthcoming...

Nicci said...

I've never read anything by Leigh Bardugo but I'm thinking I should add her to my list of authors to try! People seems to love her books... Plus, the Gresha-verse is heading to Netflix, so... :)

Harvee said...

So not fair for an author to leave readers hanging, anxious for the next book.

thecuecard said...

Yeah I read this one too ... and liked how tough & smart the protagonist Alex Stern is. I'm not usually a fantasy reader but I liked this one's plot involving secret societies and the town of New Haven & the university. I also liked the character of Darlington (too bad he goes missing) and think the sequel will be about him. Here are my other thoughts on it: https://www.thecuecard.com/books/out-and-about/