09 February 2020

Sunday Post - 9 February 2020

Hello! I'm joining in with Kimberly at the Caffeinated Reviewer again for Sunday Post. Last month was my first time (and weekly would take over my life, I think!). It's a great group of bloggers - you should check them out if you aren't already a part :)

This week has been a bit crazy. We were a homestay for a couple college kids with the Young Americans. They're a fantastic group that we've known about for about four years now. We started out with a camp just like the one they offered this week, back when our daughter was in fourth grade. Just three days, and one day of school skipped in favor of song/dance/practice, and we were hooked! They also regularly run summer camps, so she's gone for a week each summer since then. This summer will be the first that our son will technically be old enough for the experience (going into third grade). We've been homestays (having a couple kids stay with us through the camp, giving them somewhere to sleep and feeding them), and our son has LOVED the chance to hang out with these fun kids. They left this morning, so we're taking a lazy day and putting everyone back where they usually are.

Last Week on SweetlyBSquared

18 Tiny Deaths - Book review

Not a lot of blog action with working and having two extra kids ;)

This Week on SweetlyBSquared

Getting ready to review The Unwilling by Kelly Braffet (surprisingly, I'm really enjoying it! Several of the reviews posted already were not favorable)
Still planning an election FYI post (as an election inspector for 25+ years, I have a few points to make to Michigan voters especially, that have nothing to do with actual politics)

New Arrivals at SweetlyBSquared

Crave by Tracy Wolff - Received from NetGalley for review

Love, Life & Lucille by Judy Garman - Received a paperback copy for review

Daring to Live by Sheri Hunter - Received a hardcover copy for review

Far Away Bird by Douglas A. Burton - Received a paperback copy for review

That's about all she wrote! We've got a 'full' five-day week coming up, but then a four-day weekend - woo-hoo!! Hoping to pick up my reading pace a bit, as I've also got one waiting from the library (In the Afterlight by Alexandra Bracken, the third book in The Darkest Minds series) with only a week or so left.


Jillyn said...

Crave sounds so good, I have such high hopes for it.

Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer said...

Wow hosting the kids sounds awesome and what an opportunity for your own children. You deserve a down day today!

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

I am curious about Crave. Thanks for sharing, and enjoy your week.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

The homestay experience sounds like a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing it with us.

All of your newly arrived books sound great. I hope you enjoy them all!

I hope you have time to get a little bit rested up this week.

Rachel @Waves of Fiction said...

Two extra kids does make for a busy life! Sounds like you all had fun, though! Happy reading! :)

Greg said...

Aw that sounds really neat! Glad it went well. And enjoy your 4 day weekend - those are the best. :)

Yvonne said...

All of your books look good. Enjoy and have a great week!

Emma at Words And Peace / France Book Tours said...

Enjoy your new books!

Literary Feline said...

I love that you open your home like that to a couple of college kids with the Young Americans program. It sounds like a great program. I hope you enjoy your new books! I love the cover of Far Away Bird. I hope you have a great weekend, Becki.

Kristin (Book Sniffers Anonymous) said...

Oh man. I can't wait to see your review on Crave. It sounds and looks so good.

Leona Woolfolk said...

I’ve been wanting to try out The Darkest Mind series, I just haven’t gotten around to picking one up.