10 Random Things for Friday

- Today is a very Saturday-ish Friday. The kids have no school, which means I don't have kitchen work, and even hubby is off work! I am working on my test-scoring job, but from home, while hanging with the kids. It's all good :)
- We have SO much going on this spring. I think I mentioned - hubby and our daughter spent the spring break week (two weeks ago here) in China visiting hubby's brother's family. Last weekend, I went with our daughter to a baton competition in New Jersey. She got six trophies and a sash. Most importantly, she had a lot of fun and performed beautifully, and I got a tiara!! At this particular competition, they have a 'mom march,' where moms compete in a basic box march competition. The girls taught be beforehand, and yes, I practiced. This was our third (or fourth?) year attending this competition.
- Tomorrow, my daughter and I are going to the Detroit performance of Hamilton!! I think this is the last weekend. I got the tickets when they first went on sale, but didn't tell her til last weekend after the baton competition. I did get her reaction recorded, but once everything settled down again, she doesn't want me to share the video. Okay, okay...
- Right now, my daughter and her friend are in the other room making a video of themselves tasting some of the candy and snacks that she brought back from China. Tonight hubby will edit it for them. Should be amusing :)
- We still don't have consistent spring weather, and I am disappointed. Yesterday was like 60 degrees (and rainy), but today is in the 40s again. Ugh.
- I have got to get the books I read in March posted up this week. I finished six books in March. I really undershot for my 2019 goal. LOL I will have met that goal (43 books, I think?) before the year is half done.
- One great part of having a job with the schools is looking forward to the summer off. So now I'm starting to hoard away money so we can still do fun things in the summer, but I'm really, really looking forward to sleeping in more often than not. I do love my sleep.
- I actually finished two books last night, so today feels like an especially new day. I've started another hard-copy book, and downloaded my next Kindle read. See, I tend to do both, because I can read and carry the 'real' book for daytime, and when I have a few minutes waiting for an appointment or whatever. I don't have a good case for my Kindle yet, so I leave that at home and read from it in the dark, in bed. It works for me!
- Perfectly Posh just released their spring supplement goodies this week. If you like pampering, with lotions, face masks, scrubs and the like, you should check it out!
- Did you see that Sheecs Socks is doing a big giveaway? They've got a bunch of prizes, including the worlds best socks (obvs!) and even a credit toward Tieks (my fave shoe) or Rothys! Go enter now - if you win and don't want your prize, I'm sure we can work something out *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*
Enjoy Hamilton! It's fabulous. I took today off work today too because a friend is in town from Ann Arbor.
Thanks so much for stopping by Breathing in Grace and leaving a sweet comment. You look very pretty in your tiara! 💜 Happy Resurrection Day!
Busy busy. I’m retired and I don’t read even one book per week. You go girl!!
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