My disappearance last week was because I took my kids on a road trip. We went to visit my parents in their RV in Florida. I'm so glad we all got to spend that time together, and also grateful that the drive there involved only minor snow squalls in the first evening, and the drive back included nothing worse than rain.

I'm super thankful that I get to stay home with my kids. I said this a long time ago on this blog and got horribly burned for it, but it's the truth. My husband and I decided wayy back when we were dating that we always planned for me to stay home and raise our children. I know it's an opportunity not everyone has, and I am always thankful.
And while I'm talking about my family, words can't express how thankful I am for my marriage of TEN YEARS (as of last week). It seems weird how many things I can now easily say were more than ten years ago, since I wasn't married when they happened. Ten years sounds like an INCREDIBLY long time to me! LOL In a good way, I promise ;)
I'm so thankful and excited to be looking forward to Disney on Ice - 100 Years of Magic next month at the Palace of Auburn Hills. The show is March 10 - 13, and tickets are still available here. Disney always puts on a wonderful show, and I'm sure this one will deliver a great evening of family fun too. The kids are looking forward to this one even more than usual, because everyone was asking them if they were going to Florida to visit Disney! LOL
Last but not least, I'm thankful to be spending the day with my kids at home since there's a snow day in our district today. I hate the snow, but I really love my kids. On the mention of snow, I am also thankful that we own an easy-to-operate snowblower. My hands are positively dead from the vibrations after clearing the driveway and walkway three times in the last day, but shoveling would have had me out there non-stop!
What are you thankful for this week?
Beautiful post. So thankful you chose to drive all that way to visit us. What a fun full week. Happy Anniversary! I'm thankful to be living this wonderful retirement life that we worked so long and hard to achieve.
Nice post - I'm pretty thankful you have so much to be thankful for!
I'm thankful for youuuuuuuu 😘
Happy Anniversary. I feel blessed as well to raise my kids.
So much to be thankful for. Very cool to see and experience along with you!
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