30 September 2013

Menu Plan Monday

I'm going back to trying the two week plan again. Don't you hate knowing something worked, but being too overwhelmed to continually put in the effort? Grr...

Monday (9/30): Swimming lessons/Chinese carry-out (don't judge!)

Tuesday (10/1): Tacos/Nachos

Wednesday (10/2): Kielbasa with Mac n Cheez

Thursday (10/3): Popcorn Chicken Parmesan and another fresh veggie

Friday (10/4): Thanksgiving-in-a-Dish (Ground turkey, browned and mixed with "cream of" soup, then layered in a casserole dish with frozen veggies (add seasoning), and topped with prepared stuffing.)

Saturday (10/5): Halloweekends at Cedar Point!! 

Sunday (10/6): Some wonderful beef from our freezer, probably in the crock pot so we can go enjoy watching Maggie twirl in the homecoming parade, then come home for a hot, delicious dinner.

Monday (10/7): Swimming lessons/Chinese carry-out

Tuesday (10/8): Campbell's One Dish Chicken & Rice with some fresh veggie

Wednesday (10/9): Breakfast for dinner - probably Vanilla French Toast

Thursday (10/10): I'm going to a Jewel Kade party at a friend's house, and probably taking Maggie (?). I can absolutely live on the appetizers at these things, so I think dinner will just be leftovers.

Friday (10/11): Spaghetti

Saturday (10/12): Daddy's in charge while mommy does two chocolate tasting parties

Sunday (10/13): I have a mid-day chocolate event, so probably something in the crock pot again


Unknown said...

Thanksgiving in a dish sounds awesome. That's going on my meal plan for the next week.

siteseer said...

I'm just impressed with a 2 week plan. I make a pot of goulash and know whats for dinner for 3 more nights lol