12 May 2011


Sorry there's sort of been an echo around here. We moved all the major stuff to the new house on Saturday, but the modem just didn't work, so no internet until last night - yikes!

I know - you're wondering still what took me so long since we've had internet for like 12 hours...There are still lots of boxes to unpack, and I'm majorly behind on my second job (since it exclusively uses the internet). So last night was a work night around here (with periodic breaks to catch up on everything else I missed, of course).

So far the new house is fabulous. My legs quit aching constantly (from all the stairs) after the first couple of days (but they will look GREAT this summer! hahahaha). The biggest thing is we will have so much more room! I'm working on making the kitchen usable first (getting close) and hubby got a ton done in the family room last night. I think I'll bring most of the rest of Maggie's toys from the old house today, along with the contents of the freezer and maybe fridge (if it fits in our cooler). Can't wait to get the boxes gone and show it all off!


Tammy said...

Get it all done so you can take pictures and show it off. I can't wait to see it.

siteseer said...

glad everything is coming along. Moving is never easy, that's why I haven't moved in 30 years lol