18 April 2011

Weekend in Review

I can't remember the last time I was so grateful to see Monday! What a busy weekend.

On Friday, hubby left for the Lemons Race (that's him in the second picture). Maggie and I decided to relax and enjoy the day, since my chocolate party that was originally supposed to be that evening had canceled. We took our time going to the mall to see the Easter bunny and pick out a dress for me for Easter. I also found some fabulous new makeup that so far I'm really happy with :) Friday night was Maggie'e Tiny Tigers karate class. She's doing a great job with it and I'm really proud of her. After Maggie went to bed Friday night I started working on my new seasonal third job.

Saturday morning I got up and bustled frantically to get ready for the rest of the day Saturday. We went out for lunch with a friend, and then headed to my mother-in-law's house for a Premiere Designs jewelry party. My mom met us at the party, and we did the Maggie pass-off, where Maggie headed to Mimi's for a sleepover and I continued on a work-filled weekend.

From my mother-in-law's house I tried to head to a fundraiser I was doing for a local library. Unfortunately, my GPS decided not to join me on the journey, so I spent a chunk of the almost hour drive on the phone with my mom to figure out where to go! The fundraiser was a great success, with two more chocolate tastings booked and a couple of items sold. Saturday night I was able to put in a couple more hours on the third job before crashing into bed.

Sunday morning was as early as I could make it, as I had to get ready for a tasting event on Sunday afternoon. Instead of baking cookies (which I wouldn't have had time for anyway), we had a mousse dessert decorating contest at the party, using my leftovers from Saturday night. The party was fun, but I was anxious to get back to my girl. I got to Mimi and Papa's house in time for yummy spaghetti dinner, then worked up the energy to move the carseat back to my car and head home for an early night of much-needed sleep!



OLLIE MCKAY'S ~ A Chic Boutique said...

Yep ~ Sometimes Mondays are very nice! Happy Tuesday ~ I'm a new follower! :-)

siteseer said...

Sorry you missed our middle of the night run to the airport car rental place lol. Maggie really enjoyed it :) She liked making cookies too.

Becki said...

You need to do your weekend in review so we can all see the adorable pic of Maggie baking cookies!