02 February 2011

Informed Decision :)

Have you been the teeniest bit curious when I post about my job as a chocolatier? I make money (and have fun, and make friends!) with Dove Chocolate Discoveries!

Tonight is the company's weekly opportunity call. There's no commitment to just listen in. They'll do an overview of the business, and then there's plenty of time for questions and answers. If there's something specifically you want to ask, speak up! If not, listen in and see if you hear the answers to questions you hadn't even thought of.

I'm always available if you've got questions, but tonight you can be even more anonymous by calling 1-800-511-7985 and entering passcode 473504 at 8:00PM Eastern time. If you call because of this post, please let me know and I'll offer you an extra incentive if you or a friend signs up by the end of the week!

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