Fall is actually my favorite season. I love dressing a little warmer and less revealing in my hoodies and jeans. I love (love, love!) Halloween. I even love watching the leaves fall from the trees and the look of the bare trees against a cool autumn sky.
But right now is sort of the sad part of fall. It bums me out to dismiss what I like about summer. I don't like putting away my flip-flops (okay, I haven't yet). I feel wasteful throwing away my hanging plants outside and dumping out the window boxes. I'm really going to hate pulling up the shrubs that didn't make it alive through their first season. But everything will be that much worse if I wait til snow hits it.
For me to fully appreciate the chill and bare trees, I need to move past all the reminders of new growth from spring and summer. Seeing garden window boxes with dead trimmings leftover, or worse yet - fake flowers covered in snow - would be worse than finishing the work to bring on fall in its entirety now.
All the things I look forward to doing next week. Cleaning up and making ready for next year .. sort of. I'm going to split a few plants this fall and move some to better places now that I've seen what they like. October is the perfect month for all of that.
We've had some nice cool weather in San Diego - I'm loving it. It makes me miss the real fall I used to enjoy in Michigan every year...
The grass is always greener (or in this case, yellow, brown and beautiful shades of red and even violet!)
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