17 August 2010

Random Tuesday Thoughts


Why-o-why did I get all excited when I was pregnant last year and sign up for newsletters and stuff? :( I'm still getting updates from eBay about my 'Favorite Sellers' - and lots of maternity clothes specials. I've removed them from my favorites but eBay still thinks I should like maternity clothes. Give me a break - even if I hadn't miscarried, I would have had the baby last fall!

My new iPad is supposed to deliver today! I'm sort of tempted to spend the day on the front porch in my pjs, because our FedEx guy is kind of a tool. He'll frequently just leave a note saying sorry he missed us, when I'm in the living room and see him do it. Since the iPad requires a signature, I'm very worried about him screwing us over, and then we'd have to drive a half hour to go pick up my new toy. Oh, and we'd have to wait until tomorrow for the truck to be unloaded. No peeing or showering for me today (at least until after I have my iPad, and then I won't want to!).

How is it possible I'm running out of chocolate catalogs already?? I'm just not used to having so many shows! Please do not take this as a complaint ;)

I'm sort of concerned about totally hosing my vacation next month. I'm going to the Type-A Mom Conference in Asheville, North Carolina, and we're tacking our family vacation on probably immediately following. I'm nervous about booking shows around that because no reservations are made yet. I don't want hubby to suddenly say, "Hey, let's do the vacation before instead of after," because I may already have shows booked on those days by then! This afternoon I've got to just suck it up and do it. September is already limited by Labor Day weekend. I'll have to really promote myself for those couple weeks between Labor Day and our family vacation. Which means picking up the phone now!

And talking about the Type-A Mom Conference, I'm kind of annoyed that when I registered during early bird registration (months ago!) I was just so excited to register I forgot to put my blog address in the right place (what a dork I can be!). I emailed the organizer right away asking to have it added by my name on the attendance list, but nothing happened. So much for being able to help get to know other bloggers and promote my blog :( I hope they're more helpful at the actual conference, since that's probably not the only stupid thing I'll do ;).

I'm hoping since hubby and I are both quite annoyed with sinus issues lately that it means the weather is finally getting a little more 'normal'. This extreme humidity and muggy heat is awful!

1 comment:

siteseer said...

hope you have a good time at your conference. Wish I could take a couple weeks off and let you guys have a second honeymoon. Oh yeah, that job thing gets in the way again.