13 June 2010

Important Announcement

Yesterday's video and wishes were for hubby's birthday - today is indeed my birthday :)
So far I got to wake up with my favorite baby girl in my bed. She has refused to say happy birthday so far, but I'm sure I'll get it eventually. I'm boiling some corn on the cob to eat for...well, brunch. Because I like corn on the cob. Oh, and I ate a double chocolate chip cookie when Maggie wasn't looking.
After we get cleaned up, we're going to make some nacho dip and head to Mimi and Papa's to meet up with lots of family!


Wendy said...

WooHoo!! Have a great BDay!

daisy said...

Happy Belated Birthday

siteseer said...

Happy Birthday!!!! Glad we got to spend the day with you.

girl said...

MMMMM corn.

Amanda West said...

Happy Birthday!!!

Tammy said...

Happy Belated Birthday!