01 March 2010

Entrecard February Top Droppers

Thank you so much to my top droppers for February, 2010!

These are the last top droppers I'll post. I'm leaving Entrecard within the week. No hard feelings to anyone, I will just be using a different method of visiting blogs I love and encouraging return traffic to my blog. I didn't thoroughly read many of the blogs I dropped on, and I know most droppers don't read my blog. I've added a lot of the blogs that I did start reading through Entrecard to my own bloglist and plan to read and comment regularly :)

My existing Entrecard credits will be given to a few friends I know in real life who are also on Entrecard.

Thanks so much for stopping by! Hopefully you've gotten to know me a bit through my blog and will continue visiting. If not, I still wish you the very best in your endeavors.


Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...

Thanks for the linky love :) I don't blame you at all for leaving Entrecard - I don't feel it's worth it. I did find some great blogs like yours though :)

Sparkle said...

Thanks for the nod, and I'm sorry to see you leave EC. A lot of the good blogs seem to be leaving, which saddens me.

Laane said...

Arghh...just posted about not finding your widget. Sorry.
Sad to see you go, but I understand.

Thanks for the linklove.

siteseer said...

Thanks for the credits! For all those that are jealous don't be... I carried her for 10 months!! I've often wondered if ecards was right for me. It takes a lot of time and I'm not really looking for traffic or anything like that.