01 August 2009

My TOP Entrecard Droppers for July

This is the first time I've done this, but I've always been intrigued by everyone else's lists - so here goes!

Thank you so much to my top droppers from July! It's great to know there are folks out there hanging on my every word. Okay, so at least looking and clicking ;)

Symphony of Love
60 Were Enough
Melissas Homeschool
Shalampax Speaks
Beyond Left Field
Losing It - Getting Fit
Bulgarian Slivatree
Seek No More
Mom's Place
Stuff and Nonsense


katherine said...

oh i did it..i wish next month im over the top lol. Thanks for the link Becki. have a great day.

Daisy said...

Ohh cool! And I'm dropping by to say thanks for being my Top July Dropper!

Mommy Kennedy said...

I just gave you an award!
