28 September 2007


Still waiting for the call back on that job that I interviewed for on Wednesday. The woman said she'd call back by the end of the week - so that's today, right? I'm getting more and more nervous. I really need it.

My back-up plan, you'll remember, is to work my candle biz again. That's actually become a step up from a back-up plan now, as I already have a show booked in a couple weeks, whether or not I get the job I want. I've got her guest list, and have just been thinking about how to send out reminder cards, since I don't have any actual reminder cards. I'm thinking about just laying something out 4-up, then having it printed on cardstock. Luckily I already know everyone who is being invited, since they are some of my regulars from before. I'm sure they'd be okay with my 'fake' invites. And I'll actually be able to see some of the new product in person before the show, since I was invited as a guest to someone else's show about a week before. Hahahahaha...I'll go, so I can see what I'll be selling!


Steph said...

I hope you hear from them soon, but am glad your Partylite is going well! I'd really like to talk to you about it cuz they have $5 pillars right now. :)

Kathi B said...

Were all have everything crossed for you that you get the job that you really want. I am sure everything will work out and you will be happy.

If you want something fun, I have tagged you at my blog. http://stamp-maniac.blogspot.com/2007/09/ive-been-tagged.html