So the whole 'crowd' thing for V-day didn't fly. 'A' came over and we chilled for a while....didn't want to go to the usual bars, and she had checked out Plan A Friday night and not liked it, so we were looking for plan B.
Around 9pm or so we headed to Sevin out in Pontiac. Definitely a good time. For Valentine's, they had only $5 cover for girls, and we each got a flower too! (Yeah, sometimes I'm easily impressed.) We wandered around a bit and she said, "hey, let's mingle." Works in theory, but I explained that I'm just not the type to walk up to strangers.
Fast forward a couple drinks, I introduced myself to half the packed club :D We decided to get wild and crazy, and I'm pretty sure that goal was met.
I don't know if the rules have changed since I hung out at clubs and such years ago, but I already got 2 calls from guys I met last night?!? What's up with that? One guy called my cell before we even got out of town, and the other called this afternoon. 'K' from this afternoon shows some promise (wish I could remember what he looks like! haha). We're planning on hanging out on Thursday. He wanted to come out tonight, but my new job starts tomorrow, so if I was stressing and drinking tonight, I may not be on my toes for training in the morning. You know I'll keep you all up to date....
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