05 May 2021

A Promised Land - Book Review

A Promised Land by Barack Obama
Publication date: November 17, 2020
Pages: 768 pages
Rating: 3 stars ☆☆☆
Strengths: Great author/narrator
Weaknesses: Long story

I think the market for this one is pretty obvious. I was amused by some of the bad reviews which insulted the former president for talking too much about himself. Um...it's an autobiography, people. The author is supposed to just talk about himself.

Anyway, I really enjoyed reading this, even if it did feel a little long in parts. I also feel smarter for having read it - even in the past few days since finishing, a few things have come up in conversation about some of the history discussed in this book and I felt like I had more of a grasp than before.

I'm not usually a big fan of politics, so some of the content admittedly went over my head. The part I found most interesting actually would not have made as much of an impression on me when it was actually happening. The first Obama administration was actually part of creating the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, who I now deal with every day in my job. I was shouting out to my kids, "Hey - you're older than the CFPB!" Sometimes the little things amuse me.

So this is one of those pretty clear books that you should read if you want to. I'm glad I finally did. I'd give it 3 stars, and probably be even more entertained if he's the reader of his audio book. I imagined it in his voice anyway. ;)


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