16 October 2020

Five Things for Friday / #Friday56 / Book Beginnings for Friday

Hello, peeps! Weeks feel like they're getting busier and busier lately. I'm starting off this post with my Book Beginning with Rose City Reader and #Friday56 with Freda's Voice. Scroll down if you'd like to see my Five Things for Friday :)

This week's book I'm looking at is Matrimony, Inc: From Personal Ads to Swiping Right, a Story of America Looking for Love by Francesca Beauman. Thank you to the publisher for my copy of this book for review. Receiving the book for free of course doesn't influence my review.

Book Beginnings:
On February 23, 1759, the front page of Friday's Boston Evening Post greeted readers with an account of the latest skirmishes in the Severn Years' War. The owner of a brown leather purse lost last Friday offered a reward for its return and there was an announcement that a brig named the Hannah had just docked, bringing with is supplies of cutlery, shoes, and raisins, all now for sale on Third Street.

from page 56 (okay, page 55. page 56 is entirely blank):

The year 1860 was a leap year, and Kate Darsie was in the mood for love: "As it has become fashionable in the Eastern as well as the Western cities for young ladies as well as gentlemen to make known their wants through the columns of a public journal, and as this is the year when ladies can make free to do so," Kate explained, she had decided to place a marriage ad in one of Philadelphia's biggest newspapers.

 So far it's an interesting and amusing read. I'm looking forward to finishing it this weekend.

Five Things for Friday

  1. As I was saying, what a week!! I was stressed out going into it because we had our union job bid on Tuesday. And someone else with more seniority got the job I wanted (and have had for almost three years). So I'm not working in the school kitchens anymore, unless they call me to sub. I was initially pretty disappointed, and my son shed real tears because I've always worked in his school. While I still would have liked for things to have stayed the same, I've moved on.
  2. Speaking of moving on, I had an interview with another building principal this morning, and I'm now the crossing guard at my daughter's middle school. Woo-hoo! They go back in-person November 9, so I'll be scheduled for training and picking up my stop sign and such some time during the week before. 
  3. Hubs had a race last weekend, and a race next weekend. We thought he was going out of town to work on a racecar this weekend, but he is going only an hour or so away to help a friend with his racecar. Yeah. But I've skipped meal boxes thinking he wasn't around all these weeks, and I'm getting really bored with cooking. We're all pretty happy that it's Friday (pizza and a movie night around here).
  4. Picked up the ingredients to make some Crunchy Reese's Pieces Cereal Bars tonight or tomorrow. I'll let you know how they are :)
  5. Hubs just got home with $300+ of supplies to update/improve our routers and internet-ish stuff. So I'll be offline for a few while he implements what is hopefully a measureable and permanent improvement of our online-ness. Now that it's cooling off outside, our book club is meeting online again, and the last couple weeks my lag has been too bad to participate. Fingers crossed we can fix it all up better!


fredamans said...

Sounds witty! Happy weekend!

Liz Parker said...

I know you said you were disappointed about your old job, but yay for a new job! And those Reese's bars sound delicious.

Rachel said...

Aww I’m sorry to hear about you losing the lunchroom job. Sometimes change is good! It will be a chilly winter with the sign though. Time for some hand warmers! I love those things.

I’ll be looking forward to hearing about your Reese’s bars! Have a good weekend.

Anne@HeadFullofBooks said...

This has been a tough job market right now. Sorry about the tears over you not being at your sons school anymore, but glad you found a replacement job.

Catherine @ Book Club Librarian said...

Haven't heard of this book before now--thanks for sharing it.

Ashley Sapp said...

Sounds like a fun read! This is my first time seeing it. Thanks for sharing! Hope you have a great week! :)

Gilion at Rose City Reader said...

This book sounds like a lot of fun. I never thought about the history of personal ads.

Hope your new router, etc. worked ok. I never like messing with that stuff and, since I'm the IT officer at our house, it falls to me.

Elza Reads said...

That book is sure to cheer you up. So many people has lost their jobs here in SA. Very sad and scary. I'm glad you found something again!

Have a wonderful week and good luck....

Shea Lennon said...

That book sounds fascinating! Good luck with the internet stuff too! :)

Jennifer Tar Heel Reader said...

I hope you enjoy your new internet set-up! And Matrimony Inc!