20 April 2020

Mailbox Monday and It's Monday! What are you Reading? - 20 April 2020

While I was back to work today (packaging lunches to hand out for kids who need them in my community - I usually serve breakfast at my kid's elementary school), my reading still gives my life the most structure :)

Check out more great reads through the links for The Book Date - It's Monday! What are you Reading? and Mailbox Monday.

What I just Finished Reading:

Act of Murder by John Bishop, M.D.
Great medical mystery - a page-turner written in a conversations style I really enjoyed. I gave it 3.5 out of 5 stars. Check out my full review here. Thanks to the publisher for the copy they sent me in exchange for my honest review.

What I'm Reading Now:

The Heirloom Garden by Viola Shipman
I'm liking this one a lot. It's following a woman whose husband died in the war around 1940, and now a woman whose husband returned from the war in 2003. Their houses are now next door to each other, and they both love and appreciate the older woman's flower garden.
Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for my kindle copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

What's Up Next:
Coming up before we know it, The Secrets of Love Story Bridge, Kill Code, and Gotham High (which my daughter and I are looking forward to enjoying together). Thanks to Netgalley for the first, and the publishers for the second two.

Received in my mailbox this week - since Tuesday, April 14 through today (since I made a post office run after work today):

Via Netgalley on April 16:
Better Choices by Rod Pennington and Jeffery A. Martin

Received paperbacks via USPS today:
Kill Code by Clive Fleury
The American Crusade by Mark Spivak
Gotham High by Melissa de la Cruz


Greg said...

Act of Murder looks good. I like a good medical mystery or thriller but for some reason I don't seem to read a lot of them.

Cheryl said...

Both of these sound really good. I haven't read a medical mystery in a while. I need to add this one to my list.

Thanks for visiting my blog.

Marg said...

I like the sound of The Heirloom Garden.

bermudaonion said...

The Heirloom Garden sounds really good and so does Gotham High. Enjoy!

Melinda said...

The Heirloom Garden sounds lovely!

Beverley Baird said...

The books sound interesting. I enjoy Shipman's books - will definitely check this one out.

Elizabeth said...

Very nice mailbox, Becki.

I have read THE HEIRLOOM GARDEN and enjoyed it. It is sweet like all of his books.

Thank you for coming by my blog.

You have a nice blog...first time visiting.

Take care.

Oh...BTW...try these books from Beatriz Williams:


The ones she and Karen White and Lauren Willig write together are good too.

Sue Jackson said...

My husband said he's avoiding medical thrillers right now! Bit too realistic.

That's such an important service you are providing for kids right now.

Enjoy your books this week -


Book By Book

Veronica @ The Burgeoning Bookshelf said...

It looks like you have received some great new books. Kill Code sounds good. Happy reading.

Jody said...

All these books sound so good. Happy reading!

Martha Eskuchen said...

I really like the cover and sound of The Heirloom Garden.
Kill Code is one I think I would like.
Enjoy all of your new books and continue to stay safe.

Yvonne said...

Act of Murder looks good. Have a great week!