05 January 2020

Sunday Post - 5 January 2020

Whew. Out with the old and in with the new!
I'm turning to reading as much more of the focus of, well, everything! I work, take care of the kids and house, and read. Yup. That's everything. And I'm good with it.

Last year I believe I finished a grand total of 87 books. Way up from my 40-something in 2018. My goal for 2020 is pretty much to keep reading. I'm starting strong and have finished one novel (The Rules of Magic) and one picture book (Fly, Fly Again) so far. I gave them both 5/5 stars, so the year is off to a great start!

Today I'm joining up with Kimberly, the Caffeinated Reviewer for her weekly Sunday Post. Lots of fun blogs to check out - you should stop by.

Last Week on SweetlyBSquared

Happy Homemaker Monday - another link-up I like to check out once a month or so.
My 2020 Goals - hopefully a more doable list than last year.
10 Random Things for Friday - yup - I'm pretty solid with my random lists ;)

This Week on SweetlyBSquared

December 2019 - Books - what I read last month.
Adult Battle of the Books - YAY!! Check back and find out about this super-cool local event.
2020 New Release Challenge - I just saw this with (un)Conventional Bookworms and have to join in myself!

New Arrivals at SweetlyBSquared

These are the first books I've actually bought in a long time! Watch for my post later this week about the new adult version of battle of the books.


Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Enjoy your week, and thanks for sharing. Thanks for visiting my blog.

Literary Feline said...

It sounds like your 2020 has gotten off to a good start! I am eager to read The Rules of Magic. I really enjoyed Practical Magic when I read it years ago. I hope you enjoy your new books! This One Summer is one I've been curious about and I keep hearing great things about Ninth House. Have a great week!

Jackie said...

Happy New Year! I hope you have fun reading more books this year.
My Sunday Post

Rachel @Waves of Fiction said...

Sounds like you're off to a good start with reading. I'm curious about We've Always Lived Under the Castle. Looks spooky. Hope it's good! Happy reading! :)

Greg said...

Two 5-stars is a great way to start the year! Hope the excellent reads continue. And happy New Year! :)

Have heard lots of good things about ninth House!

shelleyrae @ book'd out said...

Congrats on your 2019 reading achievements and good luck with your 2020 goals.

Wishing you a great reading week

shelleyrae @ book'd out said...

We share a similar lifestyle :)

Wishing you a great reading week, and a happy new year 🥳

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

I've read two of these---Castle and This One Summer---and both of them were top-notch. I hope you love them, too!

Have a great week.

Harvee said...

Wow! So busy and with extra time for lots of books! HaPPY new year!

crackercrumblife said...

OO I love We Have Always Lived in the Castle! Have a great week. :)

sjhigbee said...

Happy New Year, Becki:)). Glad you have made such a positive start to your reading year - I always love it when that happens. I'm curious about We Have Always Lived in the Castle and at some stage I need to check it out. I look forward to hearing what you make of it.

Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction said...

Hope 202 is good to you! Sounds like it's off to a good reading start, at the very least. :-)

Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

Ali @ Ali's Books said...

I am looking forward to Ninth House! Enjoy! And 2 5-star reads is a fantastic way to start of the reading year!

Daniela Ark @ BOOKIVERSE (www.danielaark.com) said...

Wow 87 books! That's amazing Becki!

I started both the Ninth House and We have always lived in this castle and put them aside. I hope to try them again soon! Happy New Year!

Tanya @ Girl Plus Books said...

I’ve been seeing great things about Ninth House!

Yvonne said...

Hope you have a great week!

Emma at Words And Peace / France Book Tours said...

So many talk about Ninth House, I hope you enjoy it

Laura @ Library of Clean Reads said...

Sounds like you have an exciting year of reading coming up! My daughter participated in Battle of the Books in high school and I thought that was fun. I hope you have fun with your experience.

Crystal @ Lost in Storyland said...

Congrats on reading more in 2019! Ninth House is on my TBR. Enjoy all your new reads! :)

Nicci said...

Two 5 star books to start the year sounds like a great start to me!
The Rules of Magic has me curious... Will check that out.

Hope you have a good week!