02 February 2018

10 Random Things for Friday

  1. What a long Friday! I worked my regular breakfast shift, then stayed through lunch to cross-train and help out. Then we had less than two hours of the school day left, so I stuck around. We went from there to a Battle of the Books meeting before making it home just shy of 12 hours after I left in the morning...
  2. And now I'm staying up long enough to wash and dry my favorite PJs so I can curl up cozy with my book until I wake up without an alarm tomorrow morning.
  3. Still stuck in today - I can't decide if I'm proud of myself for redirecting Jack to watch a movie at home, or disappointed in myself for not pulling it together one more time to take him swimming like we originally planned. I think the fact that I'm too tired to figure it out is good enough.
  4. Maggie and I have less than two weeks til we leave for Twirlmania in Florida! She needs to get some more practice in to make sure she's got the parade routine she needs, and to keep improving her solo, strut, march, and model. Luckily she enjoys it.
  5. I'm so tired of the cold, but I'm so grateful that we haven't been buried in snow lately. That's supposed to change a bit this weekend, unfortunately.
  6. Why don't I do five for Friday like other bloggers? LOL
  7. Coming soon to this spot: Fogo De Chao review from last week, pictures and what I thought of my son's first Kidbox box, and impressions and decisions from my StitchFix box arriving Monday. 
  8. I'm thankful for a not-too-scheduled weekend. We're going to see The Greatest Showman tomorrow, and then have a neighbor's birthday party on Sunday. Pretty low-key - I love it!
  9. Still in the mood to watch Groundhog Day after seeing some images and jokes to coincide with today's big holiday ;)
  10. Hope you have a great weekend, and a healthy and productive week to follow :)


GeekDad248 said...

I haven't seen The Greatest Showman yet but from all the positive reviews it has received absolutely want to. Unfortunately probably won't make it to the theater to see it so will have to wait for home video. Though it seems these days movies are out on dvd, digital, Blu-ray and so on really quickly now. I remember as a kid how it would sometimes take years before a movie was out on VHS. And now my kids have no clue what a vcr is LOL

Liz Parker said...

Have a great time in Florida! Fogo was so good ... I think I'm STILL full lol.

Mom Among Chaos said...

We're getting close to spring. Around March I can't deal with it anymore. Have fun in Florida!

DetroitDuchess said...

Happy Friday! We liked Greatest Showman - it was fun to see Michelle Williams in something like this. I definitely didn't expect her to be in something on the lighter side.