30 December 2015

Reading Challenge - Book 28

I'm pretty sure this really will be the last book I finish this year ;)

I made it more than half way! The 28th book I read this year - well, I wasn't sure if I'd finish it this year, so I hadn't really considered the category when I started. I'm going to count it for the 47th category - a play - because it was a book about a play. Close enough.

The Lake Shore Limited by Sue Miller was about four main characters, really. Their lives intersected around a play for now (some of them had met previously, out of context of the play, but that's why they're interacting in the book). I was totally drawn in by the characters, but sort of disappointed by the end of the book. Not to give anything away, it wasn't a definitive ending. Imagination is fine while I'm reading, but I want to know how it 'really' ends for the characters. Oh well. It was still a pleasant way to pass some time for a few days.

This wraps up the 2015 Popsugar reading challenge for me. Interested in joining in for 2016? I'll be posting more about it next week for sure, but you can check out the list here.


Anonymous said...

Sounds interesting. I like definitive endings too. I think I read like 47 books. Most of them from January to April lol. Go figure.

Rachel said...

28 books is impressive!! Sorry this one wasn't so great.

Mom Among Chaos said...

I'm trying to get into the Martian right now. I need to read it before we rent the movie.

GeekDad248 said...

I do so much reading at work I've been put off a bit for reading more just for leisurely fun. After reading some of your posts, I'm a bit more inspired to read for fun in 2016.