Wow. I've got to say, I just started re-listening to Dana Wilde's Train Your Brain audios again this week, and they are as inspiring every time I review them. I'm feeling really thankful and positive.
I'm thankful for my beautiful, almost finished basement. We had a flood early last month, and we've now been through the drying (including removing several patches of drywall and most of the carpet padding), ANOTHER drying (when it was discovered the fridge was also leaking into the basement), replacing the carpet padding, repairing the drywall, and painting (including redoing most of the trim). All that's left is cleaning the carpet, and that should be on the schedule next week! It's also helping me go through a lot of stuff in the storage area of the basement and get it OUT!
I'm grateful to my husband for his dedication to supporting our family and showing us a good time. This weekend we get to go hang out with his 30+ cousins at a family reunion for his mom's side of the family, and we're staying with his dad to be close to the festivities! The kids are gonna have a blast. And hubby has the luxury of telecommuting on Monday so we don't have to ride home in crazy traffic Sunday night.
I appreciate my daughter's help with all of it so, so much. She is a super fun and perky kid, who is growing into a helpful and positive human. I love her more than words can say!
Last but not least, I'm really enjoying finally having hot summer weather! Poor Michigan made it through June and most of July feeling like spring. Wha?!? Welcome summer! I'm loving it and trying to store up these warm fuzzies for our long winter ;)
Have fun
Wow ... I've been thinking about buying a house lately but that is a good reason not to, lol. (Constant repairs/flooding/etc.)
And yes, it's finally in the 80s here in Michigan! A few days it was in the 90s which was too hot for me. 70-80 is fine though.
30+ cousins ! Wow! I bet it's fun to have that large number of family members. I really enjoy your Thursday blog posts.
I appreciate that you did a Thankful Thursday. All of us need to remember the people, circumstances, and things that we have in our lives that we are happy and thankful for. Thanks for the reminder. :-)
I'm thankful that we got out of Traverse City the day before the big storm hit and enjoyed a week of wonderful weather during the time we were there on vacation.
Ahh, truly lots of things to be thankful. The reunion sounds awesome! :)
Our basement storage is a hot mess, I know how you're feeling. This year I have really been purging things...I just ask "Do we reallllly need this?". Love the idea of a "Thankful Thursday"!
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