20 August 2013


It happened again today. Someone who had never been to our house stopped in for just a minute and still noticed what has finally become so commonplace that I don't see it anymore.

The guitars. There's just two in the living room, and a couple more in the family room. I think. I know hubby has told me there are seven (and at least several of them are basses, not guitars, he says), but I'm not sure if there are a few in storage, or gone, or just invisible to me.

Although it isn't as obvious now, we were more musical in our pasts. On my way through school, I played the flute, then the piccolo, then picked up the saxophone for a spell, and finally played the oboe in high school. Now? I might have a spare flute or two lying around. The guitars (okay, basses) are a little harder to keep under wraps. For starters, like I said, I think there are seven. Although they ended up being his passion in his post-school band days, I think hubby also had a list of instruments he played in high school. Hopefully he'll get bored and post them in a comment here. We'll see ;)

What musical instruments have you played?


Bayley said...

I also played French Horn for seven years from fifth grade until graduation.

siteseer said...

I play the radio... does that count?

NitaBeer said...

Clarinet, trumpet, violin. I can play Mary Had A Little Lamb on flute so I guess that means I can play it on piccolo & oboe too, right? Always wanted to learn piano.

Wendy said...

Piano, Organ, French horn and bass guitar :)

Anonymous said...

I played piano and violin. But, my music "teacher" just wanted a bunch of kids to organize her paperwork and get her coffee, so she didn't really teach us. She used to write the letter under the note so we didn't have to bother to learn to read music. So, I played but didn't learn anything :(

Deniseeeee said...

I miss playing and have been dying to take it up again. If anything, I wish I could fit a piano in my house but I can't get it through the door.