23 August 2010

More Like It!

The weather here is finally less miserable, and more like I've been envisioning as I browse through Myrtle Beach best hotels. Not too hot, with a nice breeze, warm sunshine...I'm ready! Honestly, being away from the office, phone and computer will make anything feel like a vacation lately!

Even if we don't make it to a Myrtle Beach hotel next month, I think we have a wedding coming up there in the next couple years. We first went a couple years ago for a little vacation over Easter, and have been planning to eventually head back ever since. Reading over http://www.horizonmyrtlebeach.com reminds me of the good times and all the fun stuff to do!

Myrtle Beach is a great destination for us. It's far enough away to be a relaxing vacation, but short enough to drive there without spending the whole vacation on the road! What fun vacation destinations are like that from your home?


The Adventures of Grunty and Chubbs said...

Hey, why'd you send me your hot weather!? It's been upper 80s here the past week. But still not as humid as Michigan.

Glad you're weather has been cooler!

siteseer said...

Myrtle Beach is always a fun place to go. Actually anything would be good :O