28 August 2009

10 Random Things for a Friday

  1. I should warn you now - I'm in the middle of a pity party. If this will annoy you as much as it's annoying me, back out now. I'll understand.
  2. I'm absolutely in despair about money all of a sudden. I got the pre-auth for some dental work...and I should be coming up with $880 for co-pays and uncovered stuff. Without a regular income. Yeah. I'll get right on that.
  3. To add insult to injury? I was looking forward to going to a meeting out of state tomorrow, but I can't really justify the expense...so I looked at our funds left until payday anyway...and I wouldn't even have enough to pay for my gas there and back. Huge bummer :(
  4. I've had a bunch of medical stuff that will come to a head at the end of next week, but not be 'fully' resolved for possibly two weeks after that. And I've been dealing with it all essentially all summer. Ugh.
  5. It's rainy and dreary. Usually I don't mind, but today I just feel like crawling back in bed (which isn't advisable when home with a toddler!).
  6. I was supposed to go out and get the VIN off of a vehicle we're selling, but I slacked off on that because of the rain. I'd be uncomfortable and it'd be hard to read.
  7. I'm not even pity-full enough for a whole post. I'm only about 65% full of pity, apparently.
  8. Blah...
  9. Blah....
  10. Blah.....


The Adventures of Grunty and Chubbs said...

Oh dear... sorry to hear your day sucks. And that money sucks. And that you're having dental and health issues. It all sucks. Hope it gets better!

StaceyC4 said...

You're right, it does suck and you are totally entitled to your pity party. Is there room at the table for two?

Mommy Kennedy said...

Hello my dear, long lost bloggy buddy. So sorry that I have not come to visit you recently. Life got in the way!

I'm also sorry to hear that you feel like everything is just awful right now. Isn't it amazing how it all piles on top of each other?

Stop by my blog for some freebies and you will then feel better going to your mailbox (since you will be getting freebies instead of just bills)!


A Lil Enchanted said...

Hope you feel better soon... health issues are horrible especially when you have money issues and vice versa... and dreary days don't help with the mood.

A Lil Enchanted,

Anonymous said...

I so understand,btdt, and you deserve to have a pity party...for now. Sometimes it can just be so overwhelming. BUT...this too shall pass and the sun will come out...TODAY!!!

Frogs in my formula said...

Hope your weekend got better. I didn't mean to laugh, but 8,9 and 10 cracked me up.

siteseer said...

Wish I could have been here to help you through some of that stuff, but I'm home now.