18 September 2008

How'd You Do THAT?

I swear, if people just ran around as much as a toddler, no one would ever need diet pills. Just now, I heard guitar noise from the living room, which means Maggie has moved the footstool that blocks off the laptop, guitar and a candle holder thingy from her inquisitive little hands. As I got to the living room, she quickly crawled out of the forbidden hiding spot, with a glass candle holder in hand. Are you familiar with the Seville from PartyLite? It stands like three and a half feet tall, and she somehow got one of the holders out of it. I dread the idea that she could have climbed up onto the footstool...


Unkempt Mommy said...

Rotten little monkey!

Tammy said...

She is a smart little cookie! I can't just picture her doing this.